The product offers healthy bread naturally fortified by the nutrition of Amaranth. The bread contains high micronutrients including iron, zinc, vitamins A and C from the indigenous Amaranth species. The product offers a good opportunity for nutritional value and health benefits. Also, it provides

Almost 1 million South African Deaf people use South African Sign Language (SASL) as their primary means of communication as often they cannot speak, read nor read lips in any of the eleven official spoken/textual languages. This multi-ethnic group comprises Deaf South Africans who are largely


South Africa harbours the highest number of rape incidents in the world, and sexual assault and rape cases in the entire SADC region are estimated at a minimum of 55 000 cases per year. Crime scene investigations utilise DNA technology on a regular basis. In cases of rape or sexual abuse, male


Green Coal is environmentally friendly coal briquettes produced from discarded fine coal, bio-char material, and proprietary chemical binders. The briquette reduces sulphur emissions during combustion by approximately 50%, while also increasing the burning effectiveness. The bio-char addition to the

In the manufacture of textiles, clothing and leather goods, using a nanoparticle catalyst, this one-step wastewater treatment system activates a powerful oxidiser. This produces sulfate radicals in the wastewater which will degrade the inorganic pollutants. These highly reactive nanoparticles are

Coarse particle transportation is essential for moving slurries, or fluids containing very high concentrations of pulverised solids, for example, hydraulic transport of coal ore or waste materials. Due to a scarcity of water and a high concentration of the solid particles, pipe blockages are common

Stumpout®: Protecting Indigenous Fauna with a Fungus Black and golden wattle trees (Acacia mearnsii and Acacia pycnatha) are considered an invasive alien species in South Africa, they out-compete and replace local fauna and consume more water than many of their indigenous counterparts