Investigation of the synergistic impact of Artemisia afra and Cannabis sativa against SARS-CoV-2 and PIMS, and the removal of Δ9-THC using molecular imprinted polymers (MIPS).

COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted global economies and societal systems with over 4 million confirmed cases and 285, 000 deaths as of May 15, 2020 (WHO, 2020). Despite the ever-increasing cases and the likelihood of a future outbreak, there is currently no known treatment of SARS-CoV-2. The…

In vitro Molecular RNA-seq data for rapid diagonostic testing and validating RT-qPCR reference genes for studying respiratory specimens from Persons Under Investigation (PUIs), with Suspected or Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

The SARS coronavirus (SCoV) appears to be zoonotic and to have originated in wild mammals in southern China. A coronavirus comprises single-stranded RNA inside a lipid envelope. Coronaviruses cause a substantial fraction of human colds and a number of common respiratory infections in other animals…

Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Endothelialitis

In the era of the global COVID-19 pandemic, questions remain about the pathophysiology, and the severity markers and potential treatment targets. In high HIV prevalence settings, the burden of COVID-19 is yet to be documented, and how these two pandemics will collide and interact remains to be seen…