FINCA Ventures is an impact investing initiative of FINCA International that provides patient capital and support to early-stage social enterprises. The firm provides patient capital and hands-on support to high-impact, early-stage social enterprises that offer affordable, high-quality and life

The creative family office Blue Haven Initiative is committed to using wealth to generate both competitive profits and beneficial social and environmental change. It oversees a broad investment portfolio, ranging from public stocks and fixed-income holdings to private equity and direct investments

A diverse venture funding business focused on emerging markets, Beyond Funding Ventures is run by women.  We make investments in the "need-to-have" fintech, health, and climate change sectors. everything under the direction of thoughtful leaders. We seize the upcoming wave of innovations that

Acumen Capital Partners is an impact investor that has spent the last nearly 20 years leveraging philanthropy as patient, high-risk capital to support social enterprises creating solutions to the problems of poverty.