Fly ash, is a waste by-product from the coal-fired electricity generating stations. Power stations need to dispose of the fly ash in a safe and environmentally friendly manner, making the need to utilize fly ash important. The production of zeolites is one way to beneficiate the fly ash waste where

Baobab LIMS is an African-led innovation that was developed as part of the B3Africa consortium. It is an affordable sample and laboratory management tool for biobanking that has been implemented in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), which previously (due in part to financial constraints)

The technology relates to a new generation of telecommunications and data processing technology with improved wavelength sensitivity in the visible and near-infrared wavelengths range rather than microwave communication in 2–4 GHz. The technology provides the realisation of optical sources (LEDs)

Green Clean Surfaces for Safe Food Preparation Nutridx® is a disinfectant enhanced by the addition of a natural anti-microbial compound. It has been specifically formulated to disinfect and sterilise of food and food processing equipment as well as internal and external hard surfaces. It has been

Sol-gel Long Lasting Power These long-lasting and significantly safer batteries are novel because of their sol-gel base. A uniform carbon coating process produces high-performance lithium-ion batteries. This method makes use of organic phosphoric acid as carbon and phosphoric sources to produce