Steri Solutions SA is an ISO 13485 and ISO 11135 Certified Ethylene Oxide Sterilisation third party Service Provider.

Steri Solutions SA can provide a validated and efficient Ethylene Oxide Sterilisation service its customers.

All parameters for each run are logged and remotely monitored real time

Lebo's style hair salon, which has its headquarters in the Free State in South Africa is looking for funding to expand the business.

I am a young male, and I love my business, but I don't have a big enough space and enough tools to accommodate my clients.

Many young people want to work with me

Grabouw Based operation.   We use the dual thrust of Hydro Power and Industrial Hemp to bring Economic opportunity to the greater population of the Grabouw Valley

With the Plentiful river structure and a large number of dams, we are working with the Large Scale Apple Farmers and Fruit juice