The Technology Station in Chemicals (TSC) is situated at Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT) in Umlazi. MUT provides technological support and promotes innovation for Small Medium Enterprises in the Manufacturing and Chemical sector.

Technology Competencies and Offerings:

  • Environmental

Adaptronics Advanced Manufacturing Technology Laboratory (AMTL) is located at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Bellville Campus. The primary objective of the unit is to specialise as a national manufacturing, research and educational resource centre for Adaptronics Technologies in

The East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ), established in 2003, is a prime industrial park offering customised solutions for various industries including automotive, agro-processing and aquaculture. It offers growth-oriented companies a specialised manufacturing platform, innovative

A national public entity that serves as the key institutional intervention to bridge the innovation chasm between research and development, for higher education institutions, science councils, public entities and the private sector. TIA’s vision is to be a world-class leading technology innovation