Background: Biomedical studies (e.g., prosthetic development and injury rehabilitation), sports science research, high-performance optimization research and assessments, and bipedal or quadraped movement measurement often require accurate measurement of the forces exerted by the subject being
The risk of occupational exposure to aerosolised bio-contaminants (potentially pathogenic viruses, bacteria and yeasts) in dentistry and the dental office environment has been highlighted in the literature for many years. Removal of these aerosols would decrease oral healthcare workers' risk of
Currently, the ARC have three commercial cultivars, Ratel, Steenbok and Tredou. Ratel consists of a medium growth period whereas Steenbok consists of a short growth period with good drought tolerance making it suitable for areas with a dry climate. Tredou is the newest addition to the ARC cultivar

The product offers healthy bread naturally fortified by the nutrition of Amaranth. The bread contains high micronutrients including iron, zinc, vitamins A and C from the indigenous Amaranth species. The product offers a good opportunity for nutritional value and health benefits. Also, it provides

BamPro: A Bambara Nut Probiotic Beverage This drinking probiotic is made from an indigenous ground nut and is set to take the healthy food scene by storm. BamPro is high in protein, high in anti-oxidants, low in cholesterol, gluten-free, lactose-free, and generally delicious. Finally, BamPro has