Steri Solutions SA is an ISO 13485 and ISO 11135 Certified Ethylene Oxide Sterilisation third party Service Provider.

Steri Solutions SA can provide a validated and efficient Ethylene Oxide Sterilisation service its customers.

All parameters for each run are logged and remotely monitored real time

Biotechnology company pioneering microbiome-based precision personal care product research development and commercialisation for disease prevention and health promotion. Dedicated to expanding access of the African public to microbiome mapping and driving the industry towards microbiome conserving

TOTH Concepts plans, designs, constructs and maintains a wide range of sustainable and resilient infrastructure solutions. From Civils and Transport, Energy, Healthcare, and Education infrastructure to ad hoc advisory services to Infrastructure Owners, we can help improve the outcomes of investments

South African-based Fintis Legacy Funerals and Transport Services is operating in Gauteng, and is seeking financial support for its business.

Hospi-Furn’ is the largest hospital bed manufacturer in Sub-Saharan Africa and is the market-leading supplier of manual beds in South Africa. The company’s product portfolio consists of a full range of hospital beds and accessories and various items of hospital furniture including bedside lockers