Seemo Consulting (Pty) Ltd is a company that provides consulting services in various fields. They have a team of experienced professionals who offer expertise in areas such as General business services, IT solutions and financial management. Seemo Consulting has a reputation for delivering high

The business functions as an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Multipurpose Centre and Business Hub, serving as a pivotal resource hub within township and rural areas. Our primary objective is to offer a comprehensive range of ICT services tailored to the unique needs of these

The Women and Youth Agroecology Hub, recognized by the Department of Trade, Industry, and Competition, focuses on supporting the agricultural sector, particularly in maintaining internal control systems nationally. These systems ensure that farms adhere to organic certification standards and

Lavendus Group is a service-oriented company founded in 2017 by three members with the goal of developing a first-rate integrated service structure and other business solutions for the entire country and beyond. While we provide a variety of services, our primary focus is on construction, general

Torphil Trading CC has developed into a diversified company that offers concessions, procurement, logistics, maintenance, and road building. In addition to creating public sculptures, this is done with the help of a resource-engaged, established, and expanding worldwide clientele. The positioning