Seemo Consulting (Pty) Ltd is a company that provides consulting services in various fields. They have a team of experienced professionals who offer expertise in areas such as General business services, IT solutions and financial management. Seemo Consulting has a reputation for delivering high

We bring over 15 years of expertise in Project Cost Control, Administration, Debt Collection, Invoicing, Project Team Coordination, Training, and General Bookkeeping and Payroll Administration.

We are versatile Project Administrators, Coordinators, and Cost Control Specialists. Our achievements

Pre-eminence Financial is legally regulated by Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA),  Pre-eminence provides a range of development-oriented microfinance credit products to meet the needs of low-income households and micro-entrepreneurs by providing affordable borrowing

In April 2021, the Lesotho Law Society recognised Orchid Legal Consultants as a business. The firm's main goals are to stop lawsuits before they start, preserve client assets worth protecting, and save client revenue. Along with labor law, the company specializes in corporate law, commercial law

We are a company in search of great creative innovation ideas to auction. We auction creative ideas from brilliant creative minds to all trading sectors. We source the best ideas, evaluate them, and prepare them for a pitch when the preparation is done.