Overview of Organisation

Process Energy and Environmental Technology Station (PEETS) is located at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) Mapulong Building, Doornfontein Campus. The primary mandate of the UJ-PEETS is to contribute toward improving the competitiveness of Industry in the green economy through the application of specialized knowledge and technology transfer. UJ-PEETS facilitate the interaction between academia, industry (especially SMEs) and government. To achieve our mission, UJ-PEETS supports various capacity building and policy influencing initiatives to grow the green economy, while providing engineering and technology development support to SMEs.

Our goal is to enable technology innovation in the green economy, aligned with UJ's vision to inspire communities to transform and serve humanity through innovation and the collaborative pursuit of knowledge.

There are close linkages between the production and usage of energy, water- and air quality, and consequently the generation and disposal of waste. UJ-PEETS promote cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer that supports the development of the green economy by building relationships between SMEs and researchers.

Focus Areas:

  • Water ( Water quality management; Water loss management in distribution systems; Salt Water Purification & desalination)
  • Energy (Renewable energy solutions, Energy efficiency, Waste to Energy conversion, Energy micro-Grids / Mini Grids, Energy Storage)
  • Environment (Resource efficiency, Air Quality Management, Environment efficiency)
  • Waste (Waste optimisation, integrated waste management,  reuse and value extraction from waste)

Technology Competencies and Offerings:

  • Air Quality Auditing;
  • Energy Auditing;
  • Engineering Consultation;
  • Environmental Impact Assessment;
  • Process Optimization;
  • Product and Process Development/Improvement;
  • Prototype Assembling;
  • Testing/Analysis;
  • Technology Research and Development;
  • Training and Demonstration; and 
  • Waste Characterization
Assistance Areas Offered
Accelerators and Incubators
Product Development
Prototype Development
Product Design and Development
Specialization Sector/s
​Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Clean Technologies
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Country/s of interest
South Africa