Overview of Business

KasiConvocation is a company that was registered in July 2019 to operate in the social network space. It is based in Johannesburg. The company wants to set up a South African based social network platform that will be opened for use in South Africa, the Sub-Sahara region and in different countries around the world as the business grows. KasiConvocation will provide a number of products and services that will be useful for both social and business use.

The Director has identified an opportunity for ensembles like stokvels, co-operatives, burial schemes and small businesses that would benefit from the use of this kind of platform. We are a social networking website company that is set to compete in the highly competitive social networking websites industry not only in the South African market but also in the global market because our clientele base will not be restricted to just people in South Africa but throughout the world.

KasiConvocation will provide a platform for stokvel members to connect and interact with family, friends, loved ones and communities after signing up for free accounts. After signing up, the members will be grouped with other members according to their cities and would be able to interact with other stokvel members from the same hometowns or communities, be able to join/create group or stokvel club of interests and has a built-in messaging system,

Stage of Business
Industries Served
Financial and insurance activities
Country / HQ
South Africa